Monday, September 17, 2007

Technical Difficulties

With all the kids going in so many different directions, sometimes I have to get a bit creative to find the time to complete a workout. Today, for instance, I have to take my son to soccer practice at Old Vail Middle School. The time while he is at practice will be my best opportunity to train today.

I came prepared with my Kayanos and my mp3 player. As the team works on their defense, I take off across the field, out the OVMS back gate and head west down Mary Ann Cleveland Blvd. MAC takes me past Cienega High School and the surrounding housing developments. I'm probably over 3 minutes into my run before I realize that I forgot to start my watch. It's about 5:45pm and I need to make sure I am back before the scheduled practice end-time of 6:30.

With my watch now started, I try to push my pace a little bit. Not really sure how far I am going, or how fast, but I feel pretty good today. This part of MAC has a slight incline and as I crest the hill and reach a bit of a plateau, my watch hits 15 minutes. This is the perfect place to make my turn and head back.

I make my way back down MAC, into the back gate and across the grass of OVMS at about 6:20. Just in time to see they are wrapping up practice. I'm not sure how long it is before I realize I forgot to stop my watch at the end of my run, just like I forgot to start it at the beginning. So, it would appear the theme of toda'y run is technical difficulties. For what it's worth, the watch time was 39:05.

On the ride home, I do my best to calculate the distance ran. Not sure how accurate it is, but I came up with something in the range of 1.8 miles from the OVMS gate to my turn-around point. Which would give me a total distance of 3.6 miles. This seems about right.

Me and my boy make the journey home. The sun is setting, workout complete, soccer practice complete and my son excited that the team chose a name today... Wildcats.

update: I would find out later that my wife also chose the 'captive time' to get her workout done. She walked at Lincoln Park while my daughter was at soccer practice today.

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