Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Mile club member

It's Wednesday morning and another 6:00am swim with Barb and KK on the agenda. There was a tremendous Monsoon storm last night which filled the pool with leaves and debris, so this mornings swim included many water obstacles. The lifeguards did the best they could to clear out some of the stuff in the pool, but there is only so much they could do.

Just like yesterday, the water temperature is perfect. Jumped in... and away we go.

300 warm-up
4x150(600) swim
5x50(250) swim
200 flutter kick
200 butterfly kick
50 back
200 swim

That's 1800 for those of you counting at home. So, once again... second day in a row with yardage of 1 mile+. Another good workout.

About 2/3 of the way through my workout, Dean (NC)comes strolling into the pool. Dean is a fellow soccer coach and a fitness enthusiast. Dean usually spends most of his time cycling and running, but a recent ankle injury has reinvigorated his interest in swimming. So, whenever I can, I give him a hard time about getting in the pool.

When I left the pool today, instead of heading to work, I headed to a doctor's appointment. 7:45am on Wyatt (across the street from TMC). Well, it turns out that KK's office is in the same area. So, after I finished up with my appointment, I stopped by and got the grand tour. Said hello to her and her lovely co-workers. Finally, I was off to work.

Another great day in the Old Pueblo underway.