Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Wednesday mile

Last night was kind of a late night for me. I didn't get to bed until midnight. But, as usual, I was up by 5:30a to prep for my morning swim.

Still half asleep I guess, because about a mile from my house I realized that I forgot my swim bag and towel. Had to turn around... can't swim without my gear.

Regardless of my absent minded start, I was at Udall and in the water just after 6:00a. The goal today was to swim a mile.

450 yrds - WarmUp
Ladder: (10 seconds rest)
... 25 yrds, 50 yrds, 75 yrds, 100 yrds
... 100 yrds, 75 yrds, 50 yrds, 25 yrds
250 yrds - Kick
300 yrds - Pull
100 yrds - Swim

Total Yardage = 1600 yrds

I got my mile done and felt really good doing it. Today was a very good swim for me.

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