Monday, May 19, 2008

Breakfast Scramble

It was Monday morning and I was up... ready to go. But, I still felt a little tired. Most likely, from our long ride yesterday. Followed by the T-ball end-of-season party and the kids vs. parents baseball game we played. Not that I worked real hard during the game, but standing out in the hot sun (and yes it was hot) takes it's toll.

No worries though. I am ready for today's workout. Just like on Friday, I decided to ride to Udall for my Monday morning swim. Realizing that I had a couple of extra minutes to spare, I headed North on Catalina Hwy to Prince, before I turned around and began my journey to the pool.

I arrived at Udall right at six o'clock. Barb was already there. After I gear down to my Quintana Roo Tri shorts (love the QR's) and a quick rinse shower (because I am a good pool citizen), I was in the water.

650 yrds - WarmUp
6 x 100s - Swim (easy, hard, easy, hard) on 10 seconds rest
250 yrds - Kick
150 yrds - Pull
50 yrds - Swim

Total Yardage = 1700 yrds

At 6:55a I had to wrap up my swim. I was trying to get home by 7:15a so I could take my eldest to school. I had a good ride home and could really feel the slight incline of Catalina Hwy as I climbed to where it crests right before my street. Unfortunately, I didn't make it home in time. As I was pulling in, her mom was pulling out, on the school run. I will need to do a little bit better job of budgeting my time next time around.

Workout complete. Time to eat. Today's breakfast consisted of a fresh spinach (an SFM pickup) & ground beef two egg scramble. With just a little Monterey Jack cheese. Good Stuff!

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