Monday, May 19, 2008


Tonight's soccer training session was an abbreviated one; for me at least. Training starts at 6:30 but I had some other things going, so I didn't get to Townsend until a little after seven o'clock. In addition, Fred was sick and in bed, so the boys had to get started on their own. No worries though, they are fairly organized and self sufficient in that manner.

As usual, the boys were good and the session went well. We wrapped up around eight o'clock and before I could hit the gym, I had to go see Fred and complete some paperwork for our upcoming tournament.

Once I got all the soccer administrivia out of the way, I was off to Gold's. It was kind of late and I had already decided that tonight's workout would be a quick one.

PullUps 5, 4, 3, 3, 3
PullUps (parallel grip) 5, 5
Bench Press 8 @225lbs, 5 @245lbs, 6 @225lbs
Incline Dumbbell Press 4x10 @ 50lbs
Pull-Overs 2x10 @65lbs, 2x10 @75lbs
Bench Dips 4x15

So a bit of a Chest/Tris session complete and I was ready for post workout nutrition and bed. Tonight's post workout meal included CotS Tuna Cup, Muscle Milk (Vanilla Creme) and a nectarine. Refueling complete.

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