Thursday, May 1, 2008

Mr. Credit Lyonnais where are you?

Thursday morning. BigDan and I agreed that we would ride this morning, but our typical ride time was 6:30a. Due mostly to cold conditions and darkness any earlier than that. But, since it's starting to get light earlier now, last week we talked about riding at 6:00a in the future. Problem is, it was only a discussion in passing, no specifics. So, I was not sure if I was supposed to meet him at the church at 6:00a or 6:30a. Since we never did confirm 6, I gamble that the old standard 6:30a is still the play.

I arrived at the church about 10 minutes early, apparently only 2 or 3 mins after Dan got there. Good! We gear up and head off, down our normal Old Spanish Trail route. It's a good ride to the Rincon Market and once again, I am trying to 'push the pace' as I come out of the last turn and cover the last quarter mile to the market.

On the ride back, just after we climb the hill out of the Jeremy Wash, a smug guy in a yellow credit Lyonnais jersey passes us. (For the record, I have no reason to call him smug, other than the fact that he passed us.) With Dan just ahead of me, and traffic fairly heavy, I hung back a while looking for an opening. When it came, I told Dan I was going to try and catch Mr. Credit Lyonnais and I took off. By this time, he was way out in front. It took me the entire ride back to Houghton to catch him. I literally passed him about 100 yards before the church parking lot where my car was parked. Mission accomplished! But, to be fair, I think he had started coasting by then. I made up an awful lot of ground in the last mile. But, no worries, it still turned out to be a great ride.


Anonymous said...

You wrote that you had no reason to call the man in the yellow jersey smug, other than the fact that he had passed you. I would offer that the fact that he was riding a bike is enough to warrant the label.


Dan said...

Gerd has a good point. Plus, you know how those Lyonnais Bankers act.