Thursday, May 22, 2008

Last day of school

Dan called me last night. He wanted to ride in the morning, but didn't have his tire tool to change his flat tire. So, we had to fix Dan's flat tire before we could start today's ride.

We had already decided to ride a different route today but weren't really sure where we would go. So today's route turned out to be a bit of an impromptu one. North on Houghton to Broadway, East to Freeman, South to OST. Out OST to the wash (just before the turn to Rincon Market). Had to make the turn for home so that we could try and get back by 8 o'clock.

For the majority of the ride, the weather was great. Not too hot. And because of the route we took, we got quite a bit of climbing in, which amounted to a good workout. On the final leg home. Heading south on Houghton, down the hill into the wash, the wind picked up. It was a serious cross wind which instantly mad the ride 50% harder. Just as we were reaching the bottom of that hill, Dan in front and me right behind, a huge tumbleweed blew right across our path. With nowhere to go, and nothing he could do, Dan blasted it. Debris flying everywhere, got caught up in the wind. The windiness continued until we got back to Dan's crib ~ 8:05a.

My mental clock got all messed up. I had been planning on trying to finish the ride with Dan by 8 o'clock so that I could get home by 8:15a to take Cyd to school for her last day as a high school freshman. But just as I got in the car to go home, still thinking I was going to take Cyd to school, I got a text message from H asking if I would be home before they left. I replied that I would be home to take Cyd. She replied that Cyd had left an hour ago. OOPS! I really am getting old. Cyd leaves at 7:15a. I know this. Just got completely confused for some reason.

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