Friday, August 24, 2007

Whoa... that is twice!

It's 5:30am and my traditional Friday ride/swim/ride is underway. On the Motobecane Super Mirage, headed toward the base of the mountain. Got out of the house on time today, so no need to make the turn for Udall too early. Just past Houghton (and yes, I stopped at the stop sign. As usual.) approaching the Mt. Lemmon mile post zero marker. I hear what sounds like a large truck coming up behind me. The sound of traffic is to be expected and something you get used to. However, just as the truck passes me, the dog, which I later realized was hanging out the passenger side window, starts barking. Holy Snikeys Batman! That scared the bajeezus out of me. However, apart from the HRM spike, I continue on, unfazed.

Completed my ride to the base and back to Udall. Now for a dip in the pool. Since I am a good poolizen, I use the deck shower before entering the pool (I know it's just pool water, but noone wants sweaty guy who just rode his bike here, jumping in the lane next to them). For some reason the pool is less busy today, I even get my own lane (the only unoccupied lane available).Today's swim workout consists of a 200yd warm up, followed by two 400yd sessions. Nice and easy nothing too intense. A 50yd cool down finishes off a nice workout. Time to hop out, suit up and make my way home.

The ride home was pretty standard. 7:00am traffic heading east on Tanque Verde is not too bad. Over the bridge and navigate the steady climb toward Catalina Hwy. Then the steady climb of Catalina north(ish) approaching my place. I'm in the aero tuck position, head down, eyes up, trying to force every last little bit of speed and effort out of the end of this workout. As I crest the hill just before me street, I begin to raise up to a seated position, breathing hard, relaxing my effort. In changing hand position, I gave a little wobble and the bike drifted toward traffic just a bit. Not usually a big deal. But, in this instance it happened to be right at the same time as a Jeep was passing by. He layed on his horn and for the second time this morning I had a Bajeezus moment and a heart rate spike. I need to get into the house where it is safe.