Tuesday, August 28, 2007

30 seconds may not seem like alot

I have decided to go for a run this morning. I have also decided that the Sunnywood 5K course will do quite nicely. After a couple of days off I am feeling good. Since I know I can handle the distance without any problems, I think today I will focus on attempting to increase my pace.

I am going to try and run without the Tifosi Slip sunglasses today. Not sure how this is going to work out. I generally like running with the sunglasses. The problem is that I am constantly having to take them off to wipe the sweat from my face. And, a couple miles into the run they tend to fog up and stay that way for the remainder of the run (at that point, I have no article of clothing on my body which is dry enough to clean them off). So, this will be an experiment.

In a related development, I am carrying an handkerchief on this run as well. The logical thing would then be to suggest that I could use the handkerchief to clean my sunglasses, which is true. But, I will still go sans Tifosi (at least for now).

I start my run like I start most runs; hit start on the Timex, play on the mp3, and long strides, just trying to get comfortable. At a little over a mile in, I am approaching the Houghton intersection and feeling good. I think I am doing a good job of pushing the pace, but I'm not sure. That is, not until I reach Sunnywood Rd (the turn-around point). My watch flashes 16:30 as I begin to make the turn. NICE! If you have been reading TriVida for long you may realize that I consistently make the Sunnywood 5K turn at 17 minutes. So today, I managed to get to the same point 30 seconds earlier. Now, 30 seconds may not seem like a huge improvement, but I think it's significant. So, I am pleased with this accomplishment (no matter how small).

So, as I make the turn for home (feeling quite pleased with myself), I notice, just ahead of me, a lady that I see quite often when I'm out running. She is traveling in the same direction and has a pace slightly faster than my own. I use her pace to set my own and allow her to "pull" me on my return leg.

As I slow to a stop in front of my house, I stop my stopwatch and look down to see a total time of 33:26. Not too bad. The first leg, up to the turn-around point, is what I am most pleased with. The chase-aided return leg is less significant and a bit artificial (anyone who has run a race before will tell you that you can run faster times when "chasing" another runner with a faster pace).

By all accounts, today's run was a success. Time for some stretching, a little protein and a good size breakfast. Jeez I'm hungry today.

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