Thursday, August 23, 2007

Just a little bit farther

The idea today is to take my run just a little bit farther than the last few times. So, I'm not exactly sure how far I will end up going, but I will turn around somewhere around the 20 minute mark.

Jeez, today's run seems hard. I have been running for a while now and can't seem to get comfortable. Wondering if I might still be a little tired from the workouts of the last two days. I usually don't have this much trouble. Anyway, I press on.

At about 23 minutes I reach a street (good stopping point) and make the turn for home. 46:40 and I have completed today's run. Not one of my best, but I'm glad I went and glad it's over. Time for my post-run protein shake and a cold shower (it's really hot, even this early in the morning). Also, my knee is a little sore. Might need to back-off my distance a bit and give my body a chance to adjust. Something to keep an eye on.

Link for today's run: 08/23/2007 Run

1 comment:

G$ said...

Certainly running places specific stresses on your joints that you need to acclimate to, despite your over all fitness. In general I certainly encourage stepping back on distance at the sign of injury.