Saturday, August 4, 2007

Ride for Q and Key Lime pie

It's Saturday morning and Chris & T are having a BBQ slash birthday party tonight. In short, that means that Chris has too much stuff to do and can't ride this morning (even though switching the Sunday ride to Saturday was his idea). Anyway, no worries. Dan and I have decided to forgo the mountain today and take a long semi-flat ride instead.

New route! woo hoo!

We agree that Dan will ride to my house, arriving around 6am, and we will go from there. The 7.5 miles from Dan's house to mine is not too bad at 5:30 in the morning, but the traffic on Tanque Verde and Houghton will make it less desirable as it gets later in the day.

Dan rolls up, right on time. Last minute check of tires and water bottles and we are on our way. We head south on Catalina Hwy to Tanque Verde then head west to Sabino Canyon Rd. The Sabino Canyon bike lane is that old school Tucson pebbled asphalt, not nearly as nice to ride as the silky smooth stuff along Catalina Hwy. Plus its old with lots of cracks.

We make our way north on Sabino Canyon past Cloud and River Rd., and bank right staying on Sabino Canyon Rd. Now begins the climb up Sabino Mountain (I grew up out here on the Tucson northeast side, but to be honest, I just found out this area was called Sabino Mountain a week earlier). This is a steeper more steady climb than I realized, but no worries our regular trips up Mt. Lemmon have improved my climbing abilities. We crest Sabino Mountain and head down the backside toward the Sabino Canyon Park entrance.

As that road ends, we loop back and decide to head West on Sunrise. Some more climbing through hills on Sunrise until we come to Craycroft. Now what? A right turn on Craycroft will loop us back around to Sunrise at the Ventana Canyon entrance. BUT... that means we have to climb the Craycroft hill. I don't know the angle of incline, but it looks like 45 degrees and is completely intimidating. But, you only live once (and riding that hill may kill me). Off we go, up the Craycroft hill, standing..., cranking..., wheezing...., made it to the top, and it was just as hard (if not harder) than I imagined. Dan is right behind me. Need to stop for a break. That was insane.

After a few long drafts of water and at least 10 minutes, we are off again. Loop back around to Sunrise, west to Sabino Canyon and south to Tanque Verde. The left turn from Sabino Canyon on to Tanque Verde is the worst part of the ride (I hate traffic). East on TV to Houghton, south to Speedway and east again to Freeman. Another decent size hill on Freeman as we approach Old Spanish Trail, but this climb seems almost easy after climbing Craycroft (I remember when Chris and I started riding a couple of years ago, climbing Freeman and both of us thinking we would die). Head down OST to Dan's place. Dan's ride is over,but for me, just a quick stop to get a cold water refill so I can make the trek home.

The ride home is not too bad, later in the day so it's a little hotter and Houghton traffic sucks, but I make it. And, as usual, I do my best to 'sprint' the last mile between TV and Catalina Way (i.e. The Way). Cruise into the driveway pretty damn tired, but feeling good about the 45 mile ride we just completed.

I can feel good about myself the rest of the day. I have earned the Q and key lime pie I will enjoy at the Baker's tonight.

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