Saturday, August 11, 2007

The Arivaca ride... that wasn't

It's Saturday morning and I didn't sleep much last night. I was really looking forward to today's ride. Chris, Dan and I have decided to do our first out of town ride. Amado to Arivaca. A low traffic, long ride with huge potential. I was up early and ready to go. Half a banana, a little coffee, and a Peanut Toffee Buzz Clif Bar to snack on as my pre-ride fuel. Chris came by the house in the truck around 5:30, and we were off to get Dan. Added Dan and after a quick stop for gas we were on our way, out Golf Links to I-10, south on I-19 and in Amado about 30 minutes later.

We pull into a quiet little parking lot, just off the road, no one around. As we begin unloading our bikes from the back of the truck, a late model Lincoln pulls up along side of us and a short Hispanic young man gets out of the back seat. He proceeds to ask us if we might be interested in some spiritual enlightenment and lite reading. I have averted my eyes as to avoid the situation, but Chris dispatches the Jehovah's Witness quickly by letting him know that we are not interested. The young man attempts a polite smile and sulks back to the threadbare Lincoln backseat clearly dejected by this crushing defeat. The two older gentlemen in the front give him the "no supper for you" look as they pull away.

As ride preparations continue, I notice something amiss with my rear tire. I had a rear flat last time out and figure the tire just wasn't seated properly. Should be a quick fix. I was sorely mistaken. Ninty minutes, a different tire and 5 tubes later, we are rapidly approaching the tipping point. We have been at this a long time, situation is not improving, first Dan and then Chris have already had an aerobic workout just from manning the pump. Then the final straw, the smell of sausage comes wafting through the crisp morning air. Apparently, this wasn't meant to be. I voice my displeasure to Chris; as it is clear to me Jehovah has smote my tire as retribution for Chris' handling of his disciple. Ah well... time to pack it in and go for breakfast (where is that sausage smell coming from?)

Well, we didn't find the source of the sausage smell. Instead, we decide to head back to Tucson. It is Dan's birthday and he has a breakfast date with K at Gus Balons on his agenda (Well played!). For me, its time to go home and see what I can do with this rear tire. Totally frustrated that I didn't get to ride today.

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