Tuesday, June 30, 2009

When is a mile not really a mile?

6:00am at Udall. And when I say 6:00am, on Tuesday's what I really mean is 5:45am. Because if you don't get to Udall at least 10 to 15 minutes early on Tuesdays, you will not get a lane (or... half a lane actually). Tuesday morning's seem to be the only day with this issue. But, if you want to swim. Be there early and get in line. Wait for the pool to open.

So, I was on time (i.e. early) and waiting in line. KK was in line with me. Barb showed up a few minutes later (still early) and got in line about two people behind us.
Both Barb and KK are great in the pool. Impossible for me to keep up.

Today I manged to eek out:
200 warm-up
800 swim
200 flutter kick
200 butterfly kick
100 back kick
200 swim

Which is a lot for me. Barb and KK did way more, but I am not disappointed with my effort. 1700 yards total (1 mile).

So, this is were a swimming explanation might be helpful. For those mathematicians among us, you might be looking at that number and saying, "1760 yards equals one mile, so you are 60 yards short my friend". And technically, you would be correct. But, it turns out that swimmers consider 1650 yards to be equal to one mile for swimming purposes. Therefore, I completed a one-mile swim this morning. Even a little over. Either way, I'll take it. Good distance for me.

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