Saturday, June 27, 2009

KK's first trail run

For those of you who have been following Loca Tri Vida for a while, you are familiar with BCJ. For those who are new, BCJ is Barb, Charlene and Jeannie. Three great ladies who I had the good fortune to meet and subsequently exercise with on a regular basis.

Well, while B and C are still part of many of my workouts during a typical week, J, that is Jeannie, is off running a very successful business in Fleet Feet of Tucson, and probably completing workouts which are well beyond my current capabilities. So, for a while, it was just kind of me and BC. Enter, stage left, KK (NC). KK is the newest member of our fitness circle. With her long black hair and smiling face, not to mention here gift for conversation, KK has added a little spice to our group. Hence forth, I think I will drop the J and add the K, and get BCK. So it is written.

While KK has been running and swimming with us for a while now, she had never been on a trail run. So, I decided today would be the day for her first.

I met B & K at the east end of Speedway, Saguaro National Park East, at 5:30a. After a little chit chat, or course, and applying some sunscreen, we were off. Since Garwood Dam was the destination, we started east on Shantz trail and took a right on Pink Hill trail. Followed Pink Hill to Squeeze Pin and again took a right and finally a left on Carrillo. Then, followed Carrillo all the way to Garwood Dam.

I felt pretty good and I think the ladies thought I was going a bit fast, but they had no problems keeping up. After resting a bit and appreciating the dam and a great view overlooking Tucson, we headed back down. We completed the 6 mile run in just over 90 minutes and everyone, including KK, seemed pleased with the experience. A finishing touch of coffee and pastries at Le Buzz, completed a great Saturday morning workout.

We will definitely need to revisit this trail run and coffee workout.

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