Thursday, November 22, 2007

Track work and then turkey

This holiday is all about food and family, two of my most favorite things in life. Well, I figured before I spend the majority of the day indulging myself I would get a good workout in. And get a good workout I did.

Sabino track
four - 2x2s (200 sprint, followed by 200 jog)
six - 1x1s
core work
line jumps (base side-to-side) 3x50
balance abs

Tweaked my back a bit, had to stop the line jumps. In conclusion, throw in some strength training to round it all off:

dumbbells: shoulder press, dumbbell bench and curls

Pit barbecued turkey, Aunt P's Dressing, fresh cranberry sauce and sweet potato pie... oh man, I am going to enjoy this.

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