Friday, October 26, 2007

A taper run

Well, it's the Friday before the race. I'm still trying to stay active without overdoing it. The statistics on how many amateur athletes get sick the week before a race are staggering. Mostly due to over-training combined with lack of rest. Believing they need to get in one extra "big push" before the event. When, in reality, the exact opposite is true. The week before the race is when you want to cut back a bit on training. Get a few sessions in, stay active and make sure you get enough rest. So, this is exactly what I am trying to do.

Today's training agenda calls for an easy run. Sunnywood 5K should fit the bill nicely. On the road by 6:30am with all the usual gear. Wearing my Asics Kayano XI's, which I have decided will be my race-day shoes as well. I feel good throughout the entirety of my run. But, the surprising thing is my pace. I hit the Sunnywood turn-around point at 15:51 on my watch (fyi, I just figured out how to use my Triathlon watch to do splits). If I recall correctly, I have never made it to this point faster than 16:30. Still feeling great, I continue on. As I approach my driveway, I hit stop on my watch, look down, and find that the run has taken me exactly 32:00 minutes(actually, watch reads 31:59:99).

A little stretching during recovery and I think I have just completed my final pre-tri workout (I don't plan on doing much of anything tomorrow). FWIW, this was a good one to go out on.


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